
Opening Day


This is where it all starts ….. searching and collecting the best of the best of reclaimed materials.

Feels like opening day!!!  Not the traditional opening day of setting up a showroom, washing the windows and making sure the sign is hung visibly on the storefront. It is however our opening day, as we invite you to our virtual showroom and all the images and copy carefully considered and placed as well as the sign at the front door. It’s an exciting time – and not only do we open our doors to our product we open up a glimpse into life.

For this is not just a shop for buying furniture – it is for us , another step in our journey of celebrating and connecting our passions. A passion for design and craft, and a passion for the beauty of the local landscape. When I think of each of these, they for me, contain unlimited stories that can and should be told. They are stories of great hope, personal fulfillment and momentous occasions. As well they are stories of challenge, commitment and the sometimes harsh reality.

The materials we showcase are those that have had previous lives in previous forms and the landscape we speak of is the western prairie. We have chosen these specifically in how they are closely connected to our own stories, not only of our forefathers but of our own journey. The sentiment I feel is universal to almost any place and any culture. It is our hope that you will appreciate the pieces, what they represent and that you can equally tell your stories through the pieces just as we strive to do in creating them for you.


reclaim …. re-purpose …. tomorrows heirloom