Our Blog

Lane Homes in Calgary

As of March 18th this year the City of Calgary has amended the land use by-law to allow backyard or lane home suites as a discretionary use within R-1, R-C1, and R-C1L districts. The City also notes the benefits to the homeowner, people, community and city on their website at http://www.calgary.ca/PDA/pd/Pages/Home-building-and-renovations/Secondary-Suites.aspx?redirect=/suites#benefits Benefits include such things as […]


Opening Day

This is where it all starts ….. searching and collecting the best of the best of reclaimed materials. Feels like opening day!!!  Not the traditional opening day of setting up a showroom, washing the windows and making sure the sign is hung visibly on the storefront. It is however our opening day, as we invite […]